Sustainability as Opportunity: Unilever's Sustainable Living Plan

This case discusses Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan, and what the company has done to integrate sustainability principles into its business model and build on its core competencies, such as innovative product development and marketing expertise. The case can be used to discuss with students the strategic angle of corporate sustainability. It asks students to debate what challenges exist when trying to implement such an ambitious plan.

You can download the case at The Case Centre -
here. A detailed Teaching Note is also available. The case was revised in 2015.

This case won the 2018 Best Case Award in the "Category Ethics and Social Responsibility". Read
here. It was among the best selling cases in the CSR, Sustainability and Ethics category in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021.

The UN Global Compact: Advancing or Impeding Corporate Sustainability?

The case discusses the birth and maturing of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). It can be used in classes where students discuss the UNGC. The case is centred around the problem of the high delisting rate that the UNGC faces. It asks students to think about possible solutions to the delisting problem from the perspective of the UN as well as corporations.

This case is part of Copenhagen Business School's Free Case Collection.

You can download the case
here. If you use the case in class, please register the use at The Case Centre where you can also obtain the free license.

Instructors can also download a comprehensive Teaching Note at The Case Centre.

Partnering for Change: Novo Nordisk's Partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Danish Red Cross

This case discusses an innovative partnership between Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk and the Red Cross Movement. The partnership aims at improving access to insulin in areas of humanitarian crisis (e.g. refugees). The case discusses the formation of the partnership and asks students to debate the pros and cons for entering into such a collaboration from the perspective of the different participants.

This case is part of Copenhagen Business School's Free Case Collection.

You can download the case
here. If you use the case in class, please register the use at The Case Centre where you can also obtain the free license.

Instructors can also download a comprehensive Teaching Note at The Case Centre.