I was born at 336 parts per million carbon dioxide. Currently, I am a Professor of Business in Society at the Centre for Sustainability at Copenhagen Business School. Currently, I am also the Associate Dean for the CBS Full-Time MBA program. I was Co-Director of the CBS World-Class Research Environment on “Governing Responsible Business” (from 2014-2019). I joined Copenhagen Business School from Warwick Business School in 2012. From 2017 to 2020, I was a Visiting Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics working with the MISTRA Centre for Sustainable Markets.
My main academic interests lie in two interrelated areas.
(1) I have done work on sustainable finance, including discussions about how Boards of Directors can address ESG-related topics. I co-edited 'Sustainable Investing: A Path to a New Horizon' (Routledge).
(2) I have done a lot of work on multi-stakeholder initiatives, partnerships, and private governance within corporate sustainability. Some of my work has focused on the relationship between the private sector and the United Nations system. I have worked for and with the UN Global Compact at different occasions. I co-edited ‘The UN Global Compact: Achievements, Trends and Challenges’ (Cambridge University Press).
I am a frequent contributor to a variety of international journals in my area of research (e.g., Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Business & Society, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Inquiry, Business Ethics Quarterly) and an Associate Editor of Business Ethics Quarterly. My book ‘Building the Responsible Enterprise’ (Stanford University Press) provides students and practitioners with a hands-on, yet academically reflected, introduction to corporate responsibility and sustainability. I edited a textbook 'Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication, Governance' (Cambridge University Press) which will in a second edition in 2023.
More information on my profile page at Copenhagen Business School.