Rasche, A. (2012): The United Nations and Transnational Corporations: How the UN Global Compact Has Changed the Debate, in: Lawrence, J./Beamish, P. (eds.) Globally Responsible Leadership: Business According to the UN Global Compact. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 33-49.

Rasche, A./Gilbert, D.U. (2012): Social Accountability 8000 and Socio-Economic Development – A Critical Evaluation, in: Reed, D./Utting, P./Mukherjee, A. (eds.) Non-State Regulation and Development. London: Routledge, pp. 68-80.

Rasche, A. (2011): ‘A Necessary Supplement’ – What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not, in: Moon, J./Gond, J-P. (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility. Routledge: London, pp. 362-386
(reprinted article from Business and Society).

Rasche, A. (2011): Corporate Responsibility Standards, in: Painter-Morland, M./ten Bos, R. (eds.) Continental Philosophy and Business Ethics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 263-284.

Rasche, A. (2010): The Principles for Responsible Management Education – A Call for Action for German Universities, in: Haase, M./Mirkovic, S./Schumann, O.J. (eds.) Stand und Perspektiven der unternehmens- und wirtschaftsethischen Ausbildung in Deutschland. Hampp: Mering, pp. 119-136.

Rasche, A./Kell, G. (2010): Introduction: The United Nations Global Compact: Retrospect and Prospect, in: Rasche, A./Kell, G. (eds.) The United Nations Global Compact: Achievements, Trends and Challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-19.

Rasche, A. (2010): ‘A Necessary Supplement’ – What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not, in: Buhmann, K./Morsing, M./Roseberry, L. (eds.) Corporate Social and Human Rights Responsibilities: Global Legal and Management Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan: London, pp. 52-76.
(Reprinted article from Business and Society)

Waddock, S./Werhane, P./Rasche, A. (2010): The Principles for Responsible Management Education – Where Do We Go From Here?, in: Fisher, D. and D. Swanson (eds.): Assessing Business Ethics Education, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 13-28.

Chia, R./Rasche, A. (2010): Building and Dwelling World-Views – Two Alternatives for Researching Strategy as Practice, in: Golsorkhi, D./Seidl, D./Rouleau, L./Vaara, E. (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, Cambridge/UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 34-46.

Palazzo, G./Rasche, A. (2010): CSR Compliance – Globale Unternehmensverantwortung zwischen hard law und soft law, in: Wieland, J./Grueninger, S./Steinmeyer, R. (eds.) Handbuch Compliance Management. Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin/Bielefeld/Muenchen, pp. 745-760.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche A. (2008): A Critical Perspective on Social Accounting – The Contribution of Discourse Philosophy, in: Cowton, C./Haase, M. (eds.) Trends in Business and Economic Ethics, Heidelberg et al.: Springer, pp. 177-197.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche A. (2008): Discourse Ethics and Social Accounting – The Case of the Global Eight, in: Scherer, A.G/Patzer, M.. (eds.): Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensethik, Wiesbaden: Gabler, pp. 291-313.

Rasche, A./Esser, D. E. (2007): Managing for Compliance and Integrity in Practice, in: Clegg, S. et al. (Eds.): Business Ethics as Practice, Northhampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 107-127.

Grimm, U./Freund, A./Rasche, A. (2005): Vertrauensaufbau in Netzwerken – Der Beitrag von Accountability Standards, in: Stahl, H. K./Friedrich von den Eichen, S. (eds.): Vernetzt – Netzwerke von und in Unternehmen, Berlin/Bielefeld/München: Erich Schmidt Verlag, pp. 311-330.