NOTE: I do not display recent conference papers (usually from the last 2-3 years) in order to protect the anonymity of ongoing journal review processes.

Rasche, A. (2009): Multi-stakeholder Initiatives as Loosely Coupled Systems. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the European Association of Business in Society (EABIS), Barcelona.

Gilbert, D.U./Hoffman, I./Rasche, A. (2009): Corporate Citizenship and the Process of Legitimation – A Deliberative Perspective. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics (SBE), Chicago.

Rasche, A. (2009): The United Nations Global Compact – A Response to Its Critics, Paper accepted for presentation to at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago.

Rasche, A. (2009): Organizing, Derrida, Organizing, Paper accepted for presentation to at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago.

Rasche, A. (2009): Glas(s)! Handle With Care! – The Necessary Limits of Accountability Standards in the Field of CSR. Paper presented at the Critical Management Studies Conference (CMS), Warwick.

Rasche, A. (2009): Governance Through Global Public Policy Networks – The Case of the UN Global Compact, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Business Ethics Network UK Section, Bristol.

Rasche, A. (2008): 'A Necessary Supplement' - The Global Compact and the Issue of Regulation, Paper presented at the International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Responsibilities for Human Rights, and International Law, Copenhagen.

Rasche, A. (2008): 'A Necessary Supplement' - What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not, Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Berlin.

Rasche, A./Behnam, M. (2008): In Search of Global Governance – The Contribution of the United Nations Global Compact, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim.

Rasche, A./Hoffman, I (2008): ‘A Necessary Supplement’ – What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics (SBE) , Anaheim.

Rasche, A./Behnam, M./Gilbert, D.U. (2008): Toward a Model to Compare and Evaluate Accountability Standards – The Case of the UN Global Compact, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim.

Rasche, A./Gilbert, D.U. (2008): Upsetting Traditional Governance – How the United Nations Global Compact Links Actors and Levels, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Amsterdam.

Rasche, A./Chia, R. (2008): Strategy Practices Between Stability and Change – A Genealogical Practice Theory Perspective, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Amsterdam.

Behnam, M./Rasche, A. (2008): The Interplay of Individual and Collective Knowledge in Multinational Corporations – An Integrative Framework from a Constructivist Perspective, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Milan.

Rasche, A./Behnam, M.(2008): Governance in a Global Economy – The Contribution of the United Nations Global Compact, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Milan.

Rasche, A./Behnam, M. (2008): The Case of a Global Public Policy Network – What the United Nations Global Compact Is (Not), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Milan.

Rasche, A. (2008): ‘Glas(s)! Handle With Care! – The Necessary Limits of Accountability Standards, Paper presented at the ‘Derrida, Business, Ethics’ Conference, Leicester, UK.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A./Behnam, M./Schedel, I. (2007): A Discourse Perspective on Social Accounting - The Case of the 'Global Eight', Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A./Behnam, M./Schedel, I. (2007): Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives - A Stakeholder Theory Perspective, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia.

Rasche, A./Chia. R. (2007): Theoretical Approaches for Conceptualizing and Researching Strategy Practices, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Vienna.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A.(2007): Corporate Accountability in a Post-National World - Reflecting on Standardized Ethics Initiatives, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Vienna.

Untiedt, H.M./Rasche, A. (2007): Strategy's Cast - A Conceptualization of Practitioners' Roles in Bottom-Up Strategy Making, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Vienna.

Rasche, A. (2007): 'As If It Were Relevant' - A Social Systems Perspective on the Relation Between Theory and Practice, Paper presented at the 3rd Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Crete/Greece.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2007): Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives - A Stakeholder Theory Perspective, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2007): A Discourse Perspective on Social Acconting - The Case of the 'Global Eight', Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2007): Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives - A Stakeholder Theory Perspective, Paper presented at the Special Conference on Business Ethics of the German Commission for Philosophy of Science within Business Administration, Munich.

Rasche, A. (2006): Toward A Model to Discuss and Evaluate Accountability Standards, Paper Presented at the Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility: ‘Corporations as Political Actors? – Facing the Postnational Challenge’, HEC Lausanne, Lausanne/Switzerland.

Rasche, A. (2006): Organizing Accountability Through Accountability Standards – A Critical Look at Currently Used Initiatives and their Relation to Managerial Practice, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Bergen.

Rasche, A./Hellmann, C. (2006): Strategy Practices – What They Are (Not), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Bergen.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2006): The Role of Accountability Standards in Linking Business and Civil Society – A Critical Discourse Theoretical Discussion, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Oslo.

Rasche, A./Hellmann, C. (2006): Strategy Practices – What They Are (Not), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Oslo.

Rasche, A./Zarbafi, E.M. (2006): Problems and Opportunities of Standardized Ethics Practices – How Accountability Standards Shape Organizations’ Ethics Management Systems, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Oslo.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2006): The Difficulties of Social Accounting Practices – A Discourse Theoretical Discussion of SA 8000, Paper presented at the Ethical Aspects of Management Theory and Practice (EAMTP), Berlin.

Gilbert, D.U./Rasche, A. (2006): Problems and Opportunities of Standardized Ethics Practices – Exploring Linkages Between Civil Society, Businesses and Stakeholders, Paper presented at the Meeting of the Commission for Organization Theory, Chemnitz.

Rasche, A. (2005): The Deconstruction of Strategy Process Research – Reaching Beyond the Formulation/Implementation Opposition, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management (BAM), Oxford.

Gilbert, D. U./Rasche, A. (2005): Social Accountability 8000 – Problems and Perspectives from a Discourse Theoretical Lens, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management (BAM), Oxford.

Behnam, M./Rasche, A. (2005): Strategic Management and the Search for Ethics – Towards a Conceptual Framework for Discussing the Interrelatedness of Corporate Strategy and Ethical Reflection, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management (BAM), Oxford.

Rasche, A. (2005): Unlocking Strategy Process Research – The Contribution of Deconstruction to a Practice Perspective on Strategy, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), Berlin.

Rasche, A./Esser, D. (2005): Enforcing Stakeholder Accountability – Understanding Ethics Management as a Process of Communicative Practices, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Munich.

Gilbert, D. U./Rasche, A. (2005): A Critical Evaluation and Extension of SA 8000 – The Contribution of Discourse Philosophy, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Munich.

Behnam, M./Rasche, A. (2005): A Conceptual Framework for Discussing the Interrelatedness of Strategy Formation and Ethical Reflection, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Munich.

Rasche, A. (2005): The Deconstruction of Strategic Reality – Toward a Derridean Agenda for Strategy Research. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Commission for Organization Theory, Chemnitz.

Esser, D./Rasche, A. (2004): Towards Second Generation Accountability – The Need for a Discursive Approach in a World of Diversity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management, St. Andrews.

Behnam, M./Gilbert, D. U./Rasche, A. (2003): Assessing the Impact of Social Standards on Compliance and Integrity-Management in Organizations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle.

Behnam, M./Gilbert, D. U./Rasche, A. (2003): Assessing the Impact of Social Standards on Compliance and Integrity-Management in International Companies, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterey.